今日はもう12月18日。あと、一週間でクリスマス。ChaChaSinging Classでは、ジングルベルロックを歌って、クリスマスムードいっぱい!!!
今日はもう12月18日。あと、一週間でクリスマス。ChaChaSinging Classでは、ジングルベルロックを歌って、クリスマスムードいっぱい!!!
英会話ジム Cha Cha English
〒665-0022 宝塚市野上1-2-2 若葉荘100号
E-mail chachaenglish2007@gmail.com
Emmy (水曜日, 19 12月 2012 04:53)
Yes,Christmas is just around the corner.
Susie,it is disappointing I can't listen this song.
Because GEMA doesn't have the right to broadcast this song by this method.
Anyway,we'll celebrate of Christmas seasons together even if we were in a different country.
chachaenglish1 (水曜日, 19 12月 2012 17:46)
Hi Emmy san I heard Germany has a strict rule about such broadcasting which may invade the copyright. We are lucky to use youtube in Japan, but I sometimes concern about the future of music industry. Anyway Pansy san chose this song. It is very enjoyable.