Her name is Plamena from Bulgaria.
She is a student of Kobe university. She is a very friendly person.
I am sure all of us like her.
Let's enjoy studying with her!!!
Her name is Plamena from Bulgaria.
She is a student of Kobe university. She is a very friendly person.
I am sure all of us like her.
Let's enjoy studying with her!!!
英会話ジム Cha Cha English
〒665-0022 宝塚市野上1-2-2 若葉荘100号
E-mail chachaenglish2007@gmail.com
Emmy (木曜日, 05 7月 2012 17:15)
She looks cool and intelligent.
I'm wodering what's her major in Kobe university.
I hope to see her some day.
Susie (土曜日, 07 7月 2012 11:30)
Hi Emmy san
Thank you so much for your comment. She majors in Japanese!!!! She is very friendly. I also hope to let her introduce to you in the near future.